Method Overloading ------------------ Method Overloading means having two or more methods with the same name but different signatures in the same scope. These two methods may exist in the same class or one in base class and another in the derived class. The signature of a function is determined by 3 factors: a) Number of arguments received by the function. b) Data types of the parameters/arguments. c) Position/order of the arguments. The signature of a function never depends upon the return type. Two functions differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded. Example of Method Overloading ----------------------------- public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyBaseClass mbc = new MyBaseClass(); Response.Write(mbc.AddNumbers(1,2).ToString()); Response.Write("<br />" + mbc.AddNumbers(1, 2, 3).ToString()); } } public class MyBaseClass { public int AddNumb...
What is ACID properties and How SQL Server Comply to the same Answer ACID Propertied is Acronym for A- Atomicity- Either all the operations/transactions are performed or None.Each transaction is said to be atomic if when one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails and database state is left unchanged. C- Consistency- This states that at a given moment of time the database is always in consistent. This guarantees that a transaction never leaves your database in a half-finished state. I- Isolation- Isolation ensures that the transactions are separated(Isolated) from each other until they are finished. This means the transactions does not interfere with one another. D- Durability- This ensures that once a transaction is commited it is available forever at any given moment of time. This guarantee that once the user has been notified of a transaction's success the transaction will not be lost, the transaction's data changes will survive ...
bulk insert into sqlserver using textfile Bulk insert sql server 2008 example I find so many issues while inserting bulk record in database.. Need to create temp table than I has to map all fields which is in file and in table than Insert it in to actual table but here is one Master command to insert record in bulk through simple statement.. Step 1 ) Create Table. create table AddressBook (id int,name varchar(50),address varchar(50)) Step 2) Create Text file with “,” delimiter. 1,John,India 2,Raj,India 3,Sonal,India 4,Roshan,India Step 3) Bulk insert record in to AddressBook table bulk insert AddressBook from 'c:\Addressbook.txt' with ( fieldterminator = ',' , rowterminator = '\n' )