
Showing posts with the label What is First Normal Form (1NF)?

What is First Normal Form (1NF)?

My blog has many practical tips and best pratices for SQL/BI developers,but I haven’t focused on interview questions for SQL/BI developers so far. This might change in the future. It’s been a challenge for many people to break into or stay competitive in the SQL/BI profession. I am very lucky to be able to stay in the profession and also stay in the financial industry. It’s been very rewarding for me to share my experience and knowledge through this blog. Many recruiters do not understand what exactly a SQL/BI Developer does. One thing they assume we don’t do is design. On the contrary, designing from simple table structure to the entire sub-system for staging and ETL is our daily job. In this blog, I’ll share with you one simple SQL design interview question and the answer that will set you apart from other candidates. Interview question: what is First Normal Form (1NF)? In order to give an answer that will earn you an A, we need to relate 1NF to what we do every day first. Memorisin...