
Showing posts from July, 2010

Difference between Stuff and Replace

What is STUFF and Replace. Differece between them. Stuff :: The STUFF function inserts a string into another string. It deletes a specified length of characters in the first string at the start position and then inserts the second string into the first string at the start position. Syntax : STUFF (character_expression , start , length ,character_expression ) Usage in Real life Example : SELECT STUFF('abcdef', 2, 3, 'ijklmn'); GO Output :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aijklmnef (1 row(s) affected) Command Highlights : Arguments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Automate the Generation of Stored Procedures for Your Database

Level of Difficulty 1 2 3 SUMMARY Design-time automation makes coding faster and ensures that all the procedures generated use the same naming conventions and structure. In an effort to improve their coding efficiency in a large SQL project, the authors wrote a set of design-time stored procedures that generate run-time stored procedures, and have used them in project after project ever since. Recently, the authors updated their procedures to make use of SQL Server 2000 features, including user-defined functions.